Takes care of the ID verification process.
Represents all supported countries in ISO 3166 ALPHA-3 with a corresponding List of JumioPhysicalDocuments.
Represents all the JumioScanPart that are required for this credential.
Indicates if this credential is configured and credentialParts are available.
Suggests a country in ISO 3166 ALPHA-3 based on the device IP, if this country is supported.
Represents all supported country codes in ISO 3166 ALPHA-3.
Finishes the credential in case isComplete is true, otherwise an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown
Returns the list of available JumioDigitalDocuments for a given countryCode.
Returns the list of available JumioPhysicalDocuments for a given countryCode.
Initializes and returns a JumioScanPart based on the provided JumioCredentialPart