
JumioScanUpdates are hints and updates that are sent via JumioScanPartInterface.onUpdate during scanning. You may be required to act on those to improve the capture experience for your users, e.g. FALLBACK or HOLD_STILL.


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The camera has been started and is ready to use. Camera related functions can be called now.

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A fallback was triggered on the current JumioScanMode. It can be either initiated by the user JumioFallbackReason.USER_ACTION or automatically due to low performance JumioFallbackReason.LOW_PERFORMANCE or no detection during a given time frame JumioFallbackReason.NO_DETECTION. The JumioFallbackReason is delivered in the data parameter of JumioScanPartInterface.onUpdate.

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NFC extraction has been started - please inform the user to not move the device away.

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NFC extraction is in progress - the progress is being delivered as an Integer (0-100) in the data parameter of JumioScanPartInterface.onUpdate.

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NFC extraction has been finished - the user can remove the device from the document.

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Center your ID.

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Hold your ID straight in the camera.

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Move your document closer to the screen.

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Move your document further away from the screen

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Hold your document or face still so capturing can be processed. How long your document or face should be held still is exposed via the data parameter of JumioScanPartInterface.onUpdate.

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Move your face into the visible frame (overlay).

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Center your face.

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Level your eyes and the device.

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Tilt your face up

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Tilt your face down

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Tilt your face left

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Tilt your face right

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Move your face closer to the screen.

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Move your face further away from the screen

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Move your face to the next position according to the on-screen instructions.

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Flash state of the camera is about to change - the according JumioFlashState is being delivered in the data parameter of JumioScanPartInterface.onUpdate.

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Document needs to be tilted - the JumioTiltState stating current and target angle is being delivered in the data parameter of JumioScanPartInterface.onUpdate.


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Returns a representation of an immutable list of all enum entries, in the order they're declared.


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Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)

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Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.