A preloader that can be used to preload artifacts.
Which artefacts are preloaded is determined by the preloader itself. E.g. if docfinder is used, the preloader will download all required models for it to work.
The JumioPreloader might be used BEFORE the com.jumio.sdk.JumioSDK is instantiated to prevent long-running model download at SDK start. A good point to use the preloader (if applicable) might be right after your application has started.
Disposes the JumioPreloader. init needs to be called afterwards in case the preloader needs to be used again.
Initializes the JumioPreloader with the given context.
Preloads artifact, if needed. If a required artifact is already available (e.g. via the assets of your application or it has been downloaded previously) it will not be preloaded again.
Sets an optional callback for the JumioPreloader.