
class JumioDigitalIdentityView : FrameLayout, ScanViewInterface

A custom view to handle JumioScanPart verification for digital identities.


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constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null)
constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet?, defStyleAttr: Int)


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open override fun attach(scanPart: JumioScanPart)

Attach a scanPart to this view once scan step com.jumio.sdk.enums.JumioScanStep.DIGITAL_IDENTITY_VIEW is received to continue the verification.

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open override fun detach()

Detach the current scan part (if any) from this ScanViewInterface.

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fun restoreState(inState: Bundle)

Restores the state of this JumioDigitalIdentityView from the given Bundle. This method may be used android.app.Activity.onCreate or android.app.Activity.onRestoreInstanceState and should be called to restore the state of this view.

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