
class JumioScanView @JvmOverloads constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyle: Int = 0) : CameraScanView

A custom view to display the camera preview and enable scanning of a JumioScanPart.



Context: The Context the view is running in, through which it can access the current theme, resources, etc.


AttributeSet: The attributes of the XML tag that is inflating the view. This value may be null.


Int: An attribute in the current theme that contains a reference to a style resource that supplies default values for the view. Can be 0 to not look for defaults.


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constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyle: Int = 0)


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object Companion


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open override var cameraFacing: JumioCameraFacing

Is responsible for the JumioCameraFacing of this scan view

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open override var extraction: Boolean

Controls the image extraction of the camera feed

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Controls the flash light if available

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open override val hasFlash: Boolean

Indicates if the current camera has a flash light

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open override val hasMultipleCameras: Boolean

Indicates if more than one camera is available

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open override val isShutterEnabled: Boolean

Indicates if a manual shutter button needs to be displayed

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open override val minRatio: Float

Minimal ratio based on the current mode

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var mode: Int

Current mode of this view - either MODE_ID or MODE_FACE

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open override var ratio: Float

Current ratio for this view if no absolute values are used


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open override fun attach(scanPart: JumioScanPart)

Attach a scanPart to this JumioScanView after JumioScanStep.SCAN_VIEW event has been received to enable scanning.

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open override fun detach()

Detach the current active scanPart (if any) from this JumioScanView. May be called on orientation changes or before the JumioScanView's parent gets recreated.

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open override fun pause()

Pauses the camera feed.

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open override fun resume()

Resumes the camera feed.

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open override fun switchCamera()

Switches to the next camera.

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open override fun takePicture()